1400 €/project

Publication support package
Publishing Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data encompasses a variety of intricate and time-intensive tasks, including online data deposition and responding to reviewer critiques. When engaging in projects with DNASense, we offer a a comprehensive publication support package designed to streamline and facilitate the publishing process for you. DNASense’s publication support package includes:
Data Accessibility: DNASense handles the uploading of sequencing data to renowned public repositories such as NCBI, thus ensuring that the research is readily accessible to the global scientific community. Data upload may include both raw and processed (e.g. assemblies) sequencing data.
Figure Customization: DNASense publication support service includes refining and customizing publication-grade figures to adhere to the stringent requirements of the publication process.
Reviewer-Ready Responses: DNASense provides expert assistance to craft clear and effective responses to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-related reviewer comments throughout the publication process.
Statistical Support: DNASense offers statistical support throughout the review process, including the adaptation of related outputs as required.